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November 24, 2022


What is Sound Masking?

We live on a daily basis in shared spaces, offices, universities, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, bars and other places of entertainment, public and private transport, indeed, in our own homes; and frequently noise pollution is present, it is daily invited into our daily activities, unwanted sounds invade our 'natural' space, private conversations become public, we have to go out to seek privacy, close doors, turn down the volume of the voice to talk about important or confidential topics.

This daily circumstance naturally generates stress, limits our privacy, however, it has a solution, it is called Sound Masking and it is defined as the technological process to reduce acoustic distractions, to privilege and protect the privacy of conversations.

Il Sound Masking is a high-tech acoustic engineering, designed to 'incapsulare' and its undesirable environmental effects around us, rendering our conversations more private and less invasive.

The architecture of the acoustic design contemplates its respective ABC:

  • Absorbs sound energy and reduces intrusion levels.
  • Blocks, creating the necessary isolation in a certain area.
  • Controls natural and environmental sounds to generate spaces with greater comfort and privacy.

Sound Masking is an ambient sound, similar to the flow of air, that is designed for the frequency of human speech, it controls auditory distractions, making them less evident, therefore, helping to create spaces of greater comfort and much less stress. Sound Masking does not cancel ambient sound in a certain environment, it controls its intrusive capacity, limiting what we define as 'distraction space'.

Living the Sound Masking experience will generate less stress and create greater well-being, in this case, acoustic!!!

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