We design the musical beat according to the experience, location, moment, environment and desired effect.

Through the emotional power of music we help to improve your social - commercial objectives.

Seamless Collaboration Spaces with Intel Unite

Your sound

Our level of musical curation is based on creating each program in a playlist designed with a unique sound. We will pair it with a musical designer dedicated to creating specific environments such as: relaxation, concentration, creativity, productivity, designing an optimal composition for each moment.

Imagen Somfy Inteo Soluciones Neuroarquitectura
Imagen Somfy Inteo Soluciones Neuroarquitectura

The result is a brilliant reflection of the brand and an unforgettable experience for people.

Music in the space environment is not something new. Background music is one of the most powerful tools that companies can use to enhance the customer experience and positively affect the point of purchase. Research has shown that music has a strong connection to human memory, and with a clear music strategy, companies can make customers stay longer, buy more, and create desired brand associations.

Imagen Somfy Inteo Soluciones Neuroarquitectura
Imagen Somfy Inteo Soluciones Neuroarquitectura
Imagen Somfy Inteo Soluciones Neuroarquitectura


We present to you the family of our loudspeakers. We have a wide range of products to satisfy the tastes of our customers.
